
World News

9th Annual Naqeebia Conference was held at Dargah-e-Naqeeb ul Auwaliya

9th Annual Naqeebia Conference was held at Dargah-e-Naqeeb ul Auwaliya

The 9th Annual Grand Naqeebia Conference of the Naqeebia Spiritual lineage was held on March 14 at Dargah-e-Naqeeb ul awaliya in Kasur district. Conference was attended by district and tehsil level spiritual patrons of the of Pakistan and overseas. Custodians of the Holy Shrine Mr. Naqeeb Ur Rehman Shah Naqeebi and Mr. Asadullah Shah Naqibi

9th Annual Naqeebia Conference was held at Dargah-e-Naqeeb ul Auwaliya Read More »

Shrine of Hazrat Muhammad Naqeeb Ul Shah at Naqeeb abad, Qasoor district

Annual Urs Celebration of Sufi Muhammad Naqeeb Ullah Shah is being celebrated with all its religious honors and zeal.

25th  Annual Urs Celebration of renowned Islamic spiritual Sufi Saint Hazrat Sufi Muhammad Naqeeb Ullah Shah Qadri, Suharvardi, Abu-ul-Aulai, Naqashbandi, Chishti, Sabri, Nizami, Jahangeeri, Hasani is being celebrated with all its zeal, enthusiasm and traditional honors at Dargah-e-Naqeeb-Ul-Auwaliya, Naqeeb Abad Shareef District Qasoor. Event is also known as Jashan-e-Naqeebi. Event is happening under the kind supervision

Annual Urs Celebration of Sufi Muhammad Naqeeb Ullah Shah is being celebrated with all its religious honors and zeal. Read More »

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